
Tales of a Sad-Sorry Beauty Writer

TweeValleyHigh's Kristina wore a flower crown to the Botanical Gardens.
In the past year, I have graciously been gifted items to potentially review, some of which I requested for xoJane. Since then, I either put off reviews or got a few xo articles cancelled. As I move away from xoJane to concentrate on Twee Valley High, I ended up with a lot of guilt over this lack of content return. My policy has always been "consideration only," but these companies took the time to send me something special and I'm hoping to remedy this lack of beauty content. At this point, I've tried quite a few products so I'd love to share my favorites! 

Most likely, I won't share products I was less than super into. I'm a big fan of honesty, but I don't think anyone wants to hear the negative stuff. I can always change my mind on this though so let me know if you feel differently. Obviously, if I promised a review to a specific company, I will always be honest, whether that's positive or negative. 

Today I'll start with a product I love, but is sadly out of my price range.

MUN No.1 Aknari Brightening Youth Serum

This fancy pants facial serum was sent with a few other samples and, since I was not yet an oil convert, I wasn't sure how useful it would be. I eventually came to the conclusion that...

..THIS STUFF IS AMAZING. If I had all the money in the world, I would bathe in it. I wore it before bed and it made my face all glow-y beautiful and shit (official reviewer-speak). At this point, I've used it all up, down to the last drop. I even added water to the tube to make it last longer. I was sad when it was gone. The serum is made up of organic prickly pear, rose oil and argan oils, which I kid you not, made my whole face look better instantly. I must be used to the cheap stuff since instant results are like a bizarre-o beauty world I don't live in. The site uses the word 'radiant' a lot, which is appropriate since it's pretty much the best word to describe your face post-serum usage. Apparently you can also use it as a primer if you're going for a dewy, moisturized look. I never quite tried that.

Like I said, I can't afford it regularly so I'm making due with coconut oil or grape-seed oil as nighttime moisturizer. It's definitely not the same though and I think I'll officially "be a grown-up" when I buy this for myself. It's one of those "beauty splurges" people talk about. 

*I was provided products courtesy of MUN for promotional consideration, but was not compensated or obligated to post a "review." All opinions are 100% my own.*