I anticipate Food File to either be food I tried to recreate or a pretty list of links. This section used to be called "Food Porn," but Food File seems much more appropriate. Let me direct you to this week's recipe from the blog Plum Pie.
Jason and I decided we should make a (relatively) healthy lunch which would last most of the week. I'm not sure where I initially saw the link, but the recipe seemed similar to something my grandma used to make. We decided to give it a try. I love fruit and nuts in my chicken salad, but I'm used to a certain sweetness. Like it says in the recipe, this version is a bit more savory than sweet. I definitely tasted a tanginess that was new to me. We substituted walnuts for pecans and I assume both work fine. It was quite a bit of mixing and I'm really glad we doubled the recipe. It made about 4 lunches each. The picture I took is pretty sad, but the chicken salad was delicious.
Other recipes I recently came across come from Lauren Conrad's site. They have some super delicious-sounding suggestions!
Lauren Conrad // 4 perfect Tea Sandwiches