
My Life in Instagram: Antiquing in Brimfield, MA

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
I somehow convinced my mom and boyfriend to escort me to the biggest antique show in the United States. Neither are big on shopping, but both love a good trip. My mom rented a car and we drove about three hours from Brooklyn to Sturbridge, MA, where our hotel was located. It was a hot weekend, but thankfully the hotel had a pool! 

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw some of my fabulous finds. I didn't find anything on "the list," but I found lots of other treasures that I'm super happy with. 

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
We stopped at a diner on the way and I had the most delicious pecan pancakes. I'm so craving them now. I don't think I emphasize enough how much I love breakfast food. Maybe that's why I love Leslie Knope so much.

Parks and Recreation, waffles, Leslie Knope

It's kind of crazy that we were only 15 minutes away from this small town filled with vendors. We stayed in Sturbridge, but the market was in Brimfield. 

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
My beautiful mom and I struck a pose before the heat melted us. My boyfriend said I seemed unfazed by the sweltering weather, but I guess I was mentally prepared.

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield

Day one was a huge success! There were a few things I wish I'd gotten, of course, but I'm in love with the things I found. I got three feather hats in perfect condition for about $10-$15 each. I got a pancake candle that smells like maple syrup, along with a variety of food cutouts. I got perfect flower broaches, a cute purple dress and a pastel Marc Jacobs bag. The bag ended up being $25 with a combined deal!

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield

Alas this dress did not come home with me. It was lovely but too big and I'm too cheap to pay for a tailor on top of the semi-expensive price.

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield

Day two was a smaller success, but equally fun! I nabbed these adorable broaches and a beautiful carpet bag. I don't have any photos from day three since we left around mid-day, but I ended up with a red leather tote and an illustrated Supreme's poster. 

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
I feel weird and not weird about posting this photo. Maybe I feel weird that I don't feel weirder, like it should be a statement or something, but I'm kind of like "Whatever, this is the real me, belly, cleavage and all." I'm super into my new bathing suit!

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
It took two days to get this shot, I kept missing it!

Twee Valley High Antiques in Brimfield
Stay tuned for more photos via my camera and maybe a post about what I learned/tips!

P.S. I literally just finished the bag of homemade doughnuts we bought there and now I'm sad. They were sooo good. We're already planning to go next year in May. I was surprised to hear my mom was open to it once more!