
What I Wore To Brunch in Greenpoint

On this particular morning, I attempted to create what I call "a lazy look," aka the kind of look you throw on without a care, maybe minimal makeup or subtle accessories, but fast, cute, and only somewhat put together. Somehow this concept was more than I bargained for. I'm a stickler for accessories and with this winter into spring weather and my love for color, I ended up totally over thinking the idea and pretty much abandoning the concept of a "lazy look." 

I mean..when it comes down to it, maybe that's just not me. Maybe I'm doomed to get up earlier than necessary and put the puzzle pieces of my daily look together in exactly the "right order." What I believe to be a "lazy look" comes from the idea of a natural, nonchalant chicness (a la Kate Moss and Charlotte Gainsbourg) that I don't think I'll ever own nor do I necessarily want to..From my wing-tipped eyes and bright fuchsia lips to my fluffy petticoats and pretty patterns, getting dolled up makes me feel like the best possible me and makes every day a fancier one! Fashion has transformative powers and sooner or later, as cheesy as it sounds, those powers become a part of you. 

What I Wore:
dress: target
tights: hue
sweater: vintage
glasses: via monk
necklace and earrings: thrifted

Lift Off!