
Accessorize With Archie and the Gang!

I'm not ashamed to admit, I'm a total Archie Comics nerd. When I was little, I spent my allowance on all issues I could find and have acquired quite a collection that I still dive into once in a while. I don't know what keeps me coming back, but when I'm looking for a quick, fun read, I turn to Archie and the gang. It's probably part nostalgia and part corny love for the characters. That's why I was pretty excited when my friend sent me the link to this awesome Archie Comic jewelry by Brooklyn-based designer GoodWoodNYC. While I'm not crazy about the bead necklaces, I'm totally digging the pin sets and coasters. With Archie pinned to my sweater, I finally have a chance of feeling a part of the Riverdale gang I love so much! 

[Also on BUST.com]