
Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt

Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
It was 3am when I started this post. I got the odd urge to create a list of Chris Pratt appreciation. My go-to crush has always been Jason Schwartzman or Lee Pace, but these days I find myself crushing on the one and only Andy Dwyer...I mean Chris Pratt. 

Here are the 5 (or 6) reasons why. 

1. He's a bonafide movie star. We all love him as Andy, but check out the photo above. He cleans up quite nice. 

2. He's adorably close to Captain America and seems like a genuinely nice person. 

3. He and his wife are stupid cute. Anna Faris is an equally awesome comedic catch.

Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt

4. His character Andy can literally say the dumbest things in the world and still be hilarious and endearing. Obviously he plays off Aubrey Plaza really well. Check out these quotes below. 

Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
5. He can do drama a la Zero Dark Thirty. (Yeah yeah, serious stuff.)

(6). He makes faces like these.

Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
Twee Valley High // Be My Valentine: Chris Pratt
The End.

Happy Parks and Rec Tuesday..only so many left!