
Links I Love

I recently found this adorable animated series due to Jason and his love of Adventure Time. It's by the same creators but stars this adorable girl named Bee and "PuppyCat." It's pretty much twee-incarnate. There's only two episodes so you can catch up here.

This guy is officially my hero.

Social Tees Rescue wrote this informative article about dispelling adoption myths.

More good advice: How to Stay Motivated & Achieve Your Goals Part 1 and Part 2

I kind of want to cry just reading this. Shhh don't judge me. I need to rewatch this film. I used to visit Corpus Christi all the time and there's this huge statue of her there. She's definitely a Texas icon.

I love them both. Try and stop me! Speaking of Taylor..

Not sure I agree with this list, but I like that it exists.

Susie Bubble articulates what was wrong with the "feminist" Chanel show.

I had a very "puppy in a cup" moment with this list.

These stretches are legit helpful if you sit at a desk all day like I do.

This is fascinating. Although I can't drive, I have the fondest dream of traveling cross-country in one of these adorable vintage trailers. 

I know this is so Pollyanna of me, but why — and it’s particularly women — why do they have to tear women down? And why do we have to tear other women down to build another woman up? It drives me crazy.” -Reese Witherspoon makes a good point about the negativity toward RenĂ©e Zellweger.

This girl just seems delightful and she's a real-life stewardess!

Amy Poehler is just the best, most amazing person. Speaking of...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! xoxo


  1. You've got a fantastic way of writing that just draws in the reader - I'm not normally particularly engaged by link posts, but I absolutely loved this! :) You're a great blogger! :)

    Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog

  2. Aww what a compliment, thank you!! That means a lot to me! xoxo
