
Links I Love

I decided to start a new feature appropriately titled "Links I Love" since I constantly come across amazing things via inter-web.  I also created a new page for blog links and a page for online shops if you're looking for recommendations. The pages are still a work in progress, but currently, you can check them out for favorite bloggers of the moment and the few places I shop online. 

For now, enjoy my favorite links this week!

1. Scathingly Brillant is currently dressing as her favorite Disney princesses and, of course, putting her own adorable spin on it. Her Snow White look is absolutely charming!

2. RookieMag's Twee Playlist: Couldn't have dont it better myself.

3. If I still lived in Texas, this website would be very useful. 

4. I want to be friends with all of these adorable vintage ladies

5. The most dapper man I have ever seen (who is not Carey Grant). 

6. Goddess Winona Ryder: 25 Years of Red Carpet Looks

7. Interview with illustrator Caitlin Shearer via Style is Style. 
I loooove Shearer's work and actually just featured her on NewYorkDress' blog as well.

8. The clothes of Vivetta are purely and utterly amazing. 

9. The 22 Stages of Your High School Reunion told through Romy and Michele Gifs. Priceless!

10. The Top 20 Most Beautiful Living Spaces will make you insanely jealous. 

Also, for all those switching over from Google Reader before July 1st, you can now 
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