I'm hosting a very unique Instagram contest!
I'm trying to find creative ways to get my name out there as I navigate a job search. This might seem out of the box but it's worth a try! It combines two of my favorite things, Instagram and giving gifts! This contest will last two weeks. All you have to do is repost this image on your Instagram with the tag #hiretweevalleyhigh.
After which, I will randomly choose a winner. What do you win? A hand-picked surprise care package of vintage items and other goodies. You can even send me your size and I'll try to do a little shopping on your behalf. You might get accessories, housewares and even candy. Help me find the job of my dreams and #win some surprise presents!
This contest is only open to Instagram users in the U.S., but feel free to post anyway if you want to aid in my job search! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.