My friend Purely Patricia was photographed for Advanced Style. She has the most amazing fashion sense and the cutest dog! You should definitely follow her on Instagram.
One of my favorite vintage bloggers talks about why Asians don't often wear vintage.
Important piece from BUST Magazine: The True Price Of Fast Fashion
Also on the subject: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: "Trendy clothes are cheaper than ever. That sounds great for the people who buy them, but it's horrible for the people who make them."
Pure Cuteness: Orangutan dad doesn't realize his three children are tigers
I've been meaning to make these: Easy Spiced Almond Date Balls
I also must bake Audrey Hepburn's favorite chocolate cake!
It breaks my heart that Hannibal was cancelled: 74 Times “Hannibal” Was The Most Stunningly Beautiful Show On Television