
My New Favorite Things

This entry will be combination "What I Wore" and "My New Favorite Things" since one of my new favorite things is this red sweater I wore to work! Of course most of the stuff in this entry, including this new red sweater, are thrifted from my favorite magical place: the Goodwill Outlet! I do love a thrifty bargain and the adventure of possibilities.

What I Wore:
dress: vintage via junk
shoes: vintage via goodwill
sweater: vintage via goodwill
earrings: my moms
broach: vintage via monk
tights: hue

In the barrel of bins that is Goodwill, I nabbed this adorable bow blouse.

I probably have more bags than ever necessary, but I couldn't pass up these classic, simple purses. There's one for summer and one for winter!

I'm a sucker for a vintage cup (Yeah, that's peppermint Kahlua in the background..and?)

My favorite find of the day and the conclusion to the treasures from Goodwill has to be these amazing elephant loafers. They've already gotten so much use and have replaced my staple penny-loafers which were quite worn down. What's not to love? There are elephants on them..

Here are a few other things I'm in love with at the moment. I got most of these over Christmas break, which was a while back, but I've since been able to use my favorites over and over again. 

Normally my mom's vintage treasures are way too small for me, but there are always just a few things that randomly fit. I thought I had discovered everything many years ago, but lo and behold this fantastic silk leopard top that fits me and my wardrobe to a T.

I got these classic beauties from my mom for Christmas and I've been wearing them to the office ever since. They make me feel fancy and grown up. They are the only heels I can walk around in. At one-inch, everyone keeps telling me they're not really "heels" though.

This dreamy Zatchels satchel is courtesy of my grandma. So cute!

These are also courtesy of my grandma. I love anything remotely inspired by russian dolls.

This was a gift I never knew I wanted, but have worn over and over again. I now own a leopard skin pillbox hat and I feel instantly chic when I wear it..like Edie Sedgewick..or an eccentric old lady.

Cue: Bob Dylan "Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat"

The best gift of all was from my mom. It was the dreamiest dream bag of all bags, the Mulberry "Alexa." It's such a gorgeous color and I love how classic it is. It's a definitely a forever kind of bag. Love!

The only picture of me rocking my Mulberry so far is from Christmas when I wore a lovely cape I should also add to this list. I've always wanted a red cape and have looked high and low for a vintage one, but surprisingly this American Apparel version is pretty darn perfect! I just wish it wasn't so cold right now so I could use it.

So concludes "My New Favorite Things: Dec.-Jan." edition. Stay tuned for Jason Wu and one truly awesome vintage teddy bear sweater!