
My New Favorite Things: Jason Wu For Target Edition

In all the designer for Target madness, I assumed that if I nabbed anything Jason Wu, it would be from a Target in Texas, but without getting up in the wee hours or staking out Target.com, I was able to nab some choice items. Yesterday, I went to Target after work around 8:30pm. I assumed all would be gone and most was..at first. After looking around Target for a while, I noticed that a bunch of things had been placed back on the rack (apparently returns from earlier madness). I was able to leisurely try things on and actually pick what fit best (the sizing is pretty strange btw). The above dress looks so pale in the photo, I didn't even notice it until I saw it at the store, but it fits like a dream, a very Audrey Hepburn dream. The top below is just a cute, semi-French looking summer top that will go with quite a bit. 

I got those two items from the store, but was able to get this pleated black skirt online. Normally I'm super wary of online shopping and sizes, but I ordered two sizes so shipping was free and I can return one to the store!

I'm so glad I was able to get a few of the items I loved without stressing out. The only thing missing is this adorable cat scarf....maybe I should just buy a cat print scarf on Etsy...