I previously blogged about Jamie Beck's fantastic CoCo Rocha cinemgraphs on BUST.com, but I didn't really get to talk about her photography blog itself, From Me To You. The photos are stunning and you really get a glimpse inside the world as she see it. My absolute favorite part though are her gorgeous inspiration shoots. She doesn't do outfit posts too often, but when she does, they are extra special. Under the "Daily Outfits" link on the side of her blog is the collection of inspired looks she's created. I like that they're not necessarily literal, but you can definitely see the inspiration. The above photo is Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face inspired. She's also done looks inspired by Katherine Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Jean Seberg, Jackie O, and Lauren Bacall. All timeless inspiration choices!
I've personally been inspired by her inspiration (lots of inspiration going around huh?)! I did an earlier post about creating a look inspired by her Lauren Bacall-inspired look.