
Banana Republic To Release 'Mad Men' Collection

While Mad Men won't be back till early 2012, if you're missing the fabulous style created by costume designer, Janie Bryant, fear not, you can still get a dose of it come August when her 65-piece collaboration with Banana Republic's creative director, Simon Kneen, emerges. I'm definitely digging the men's wear, I'm a sucker for a bow tie or sweater vest, but I'm not totally sold on the women's wear. I see the inspiration, but I definitely see more Banana Republic than "Mad Men." I think that's just me and my love of vintage though. I want more Peggy bows, Peter Pan collars, pretty pill box hats, or even a bright Joan dress. Why get 1960's inspired, when you can get 1960's? As a collection made for the contemporary public though, I think it's pretty adorable. I would've liked a bit more color, but I am totally obsessed with the leopard bag in the last set of pictures and and the leopard raincoat in the picture below. Love! What do you guys think? Are you 'mad' about this "Mad Men" collection? (my blog entry for BUST.com)

My Summer Wishlist

Summer is officially is full swing and while I might be lacking in funds to buy all the pretty, summery things I love, I decided to make a “Summer Wishlist” of fashionable items that add some summer fun to ensembles lacking the colorful tights and cardigans of autumn and spring. I'm a total Fall girl who loves to layer, but getting creative with colors, prints, and accessories is what I love best about summer. I hope you enjoy peeking into my online inspiration. These are a few of my favorite things right now.
To start off, I'm obsessed with this adorable Black Cat Print Dress by leahgoren, $160. I think blogger, calivintage really rocks it in the photo above. It looks so classy and sweet!
[photo: calivintage]
I love this Ode to Jean-Luc Godard/ Masculin Féminin Tote by imissyoualready, $20. It's based off a quote from the Godard film, Masculin Feminin, one of my favorites of his. I'd use this tote as an everyday bag or just pull it out whenever I want to impress pretentious Francophile boys. 
 I love anything with a peter pan collar. This Peter Pan Collar Blouse by ASOS, us.asos.com, $17.24, looks so soft and comfy. This is one item I can definitely afford!
I really need new glasses and these Ray-Ban glasses, Ray-Ban.com look just funky enough. Who doesn't love a good cat-eye shape?
I like how this Turquoise Sachel by Melie Bianco, Melieblanco.com, $99, is shaped like the Mulberry Alexa, but is a totally different crazy color. It's definitely a bag that'll make your whole outfit pop. 
Um, how awesome of this silk scarf? 
I feel like everyone needs to own at least one good sailor dress! Navy Sailor Dress by Heartbreaker, HeartbreakerFashion.com, $92.
These adorable Surfboard Sweethearts Wedges, Modcloth.com, $37.99, look pretty stable in terms of heels/wedges. I might actually be capable of walking in them. Plus how cute would they be with the sailor dress?
I'm so into this Little Fox Prince Ring by Melissa Nucera, ShanaLogic.com, $18.50. It's beyond adorable and this fox makes me think he'd be a character in the French book, Le Petit Prince
I already own something similar in another colors, but the ruffles at the bottom of this Here Comes The Sun Dress, shopplasticland.com $74, really win it over for me!
This Bass Diamond Necklace, spottedmoth.com, $44.99, is perfect for any season really. I'm not a fan of most delicate jewelry, but this is just crazy enough for me to love. Plus it would go with everything. It's actually second favorite to this necklace, but alas it seems to be sold out. 

Last Post Links

My BUST post, Backlash on Girly Culture and Online Media, was linked or quoted on these sites! Plus a couple quotes are floating around tumblr! so weird and awesome!!

Sadie Magazine
Yael Writes
The Rosy Lips

BUST Post // The Backlash of Girly Culture and Online Media

By Kristina Uriegas-Reyes

"I’ve recently come across two online sources that take issue with what is basically the infantilization of women and women’s media. There’s The Daily Beast’s “OMG! Women's Sites Need to Grow Up” by Tricia Romano and there’s a blog post by Julie Klausner

Both Jane Pratt’s highly anticipated site, xoJane.com, and Zooey Deschanel’s new collaborative site, HelloGiggles, are aimed at young women about ages 16-35. As sites that call themselves the place for “strong voices, identities and opinions” and the place for “smart, independent, and creative females,” they are bound to come under criticism, which is what Tracia Romano’s article certainly does. It criticizes the sites for more or less talking down to its audience or essentially lacking in smart content for grown-up women. I understand where they’re coming from, but it seems like there apparently needs to be a distinction on how fluffy content can be before it is turned away by smart women. 

I took rhetorical issue with the fact that The Daily Beast compares HelloGiggles and xoJane (along with Cosmopolitan.com thrown in) to GQ at one point in the article. The writer, Romano says, “With such tickle-me-hormonal content online, it makes one wonder, where is the content for women who want the equivalent of GQ, with sharp articles about powerful women and fascinating trend stories, written by writers as good as Tom Wolfe or Joan Didion? Where are the fashion spreads that make you feel aspirational, not inadequate?

In terms of publications, isn't Vanity Fair or Vogue the equivalent to GQ? If we’re just talking smart writing in general, BUST for that matter? Are there guy websites that write like GQ? It just seems like a rhetorically strange comparison. If she actually meant GQ Online instead of the publication, the website seems to have just as much “fluff” as most women’s site with headlines like, “The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide,” “12 Killer Summer Grooming Tips,” and “When is it Ok To Send A Girl A Picture of My Penis?” (uh..apparently when she asks for one).

Another thing I took issue with was the idea of the exclamation point. They quote Jezebel’s founder, Anna Holmes, who says, “Let's stop using exclamation points. By design, when you read them, the voice in your head, as you're reading them, goes up a couple of registers. It's hard to take it seriously and it sounds kind of ditsy. Why can't we just talk like grownups?” Whoa, I didn’t know exclamation points were such a big deal. I get that there can be too many in one place, over excitement is not appealing to read, but it doesn't necessarily equal ditsy sounding. That, to me, is kind of a jump. Personally, I think that some things are just plain exciting and deserve an exclamation. What do you guys think?

While I think both xoJane and HelloGiggles have been hit or miss in the content department and have definitely posted material ranging in age appropriateness, I also think that’s kind of the point. Shouldn’t there be a place that people of various ages can go? I am enjoying the joyful tone from HelloGiggles and skip over the stuff that’s “too young” for me or that I can’t relate to. When it comes to xoJane, I do agree some of the more serious articles were treated too cavalier or didn’t make sense in context, but as a long time JANE fan, I am enjoying most of the content. 

When it comes to Julie Klausner’s post, the thing that bothered me the most is that she seems to be the one deciding what makes you “act younger” or what you are officially too old for. She says, “I’m begging age-appropriate females: Read something written before you were born. Stand up straight. Make sure you own one piece of jewelry that you did not purchase on Etsy.” What? Buying from Etsy means I’m not acting like a real woman? Apparently so does wearing rompers, playing the ukulele, and liking kittens or 90’s movies. She says you can make your own modern womanhood, but basically says in the post that if you "do this, buy this, eat this, listen to this, read this" then you are not acting like a “real women.” Romano wants us to write like real women and Klausner wants us to act like real women. Don’t we have enough people telling us what a “real woman” is? It doesn't help that we're already criticized if we act "too sexy." Now we're also criticized if we act "too young." Liking only those things listed by Klausner is one thing I suppose, but too much of the post seems like one hell of a generalization.

 Maybe I’m just the kind of person who likes cute designs, excitement, exclamation points, and joyful reading material, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want solid writing nor do I want to be talked to like a little girl. I don’t think liking cute things and being talked down to go hand in hand. Super girly culture and smart writing are not mutually exclusive in my opinion. I’m pretty sure I can like kittens and rainbows and still be a feminist.

The bright side is that women have so many outlets to express themselves and write. I, or other writers such as Romano, might question the content, but I’m definitely glad to have two more creative websites for women. The more the merrier, I say! XOJane and HelloGiggles add to the likes of BUST.comJezebelThe Frisky, and The Hairpin (If you know of more, let me know!). We have the right to criticize the media so I’m glad to hear these opinions about the girly culture we’re living in. I’m dying to hear what you guys think though. Are we as women infantizing ourselves when it comes to interests and media or is it all in good fun? Is the content reflecting our culture and what we want to read or does it need to be changed?"

This is a post I'm pretty proud of from over at BUST.com

What I Wore To Work

Shirt: H&M, Saddle Shoes: Monk in Williamsburg, Bobby Socks: Macy's, Skirt: Goodwill, Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters, Scarf: Vintage, Purse: Borrowed from Monk for the picture..(must buy soon?!)
You can tell I'm sure having fun with these saddle shoes!

What I Wore To Work

Shirt: Proenza Schouler for Target, Skirt: Monk in Park Slope, Shoes: Bass, Earrings and Belt: Vintage

What I Wore To A Blogger Lunchen

Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters, Dress: Calvin Klein, Bag: Vintage, Shoes: ZIGI, Scarf: Vintage

What I Wore To See McQueen

Dress:Vintage, Pill-box Hat: Vintage, Shoes: Bass, Purse: Miu Miu, Belt: Monk, Sunglassas: Ray Bans
My lovely friend Dana looking stylish as ever!

What I Wore To Work

Skirt: $1 from Monk in Park Slope dollar rack, Bobby Socks: Macys, Saddle Shoes: Monk in Williamsburg, Skirt: Vintage (my moms!)

I look ready for a sock hop!

(Sorry for the terrible picture..the lighting in the office was so strange that day)

Behind-the-Scene BUST Set In Upstate NYC


Blogger Love: From Me To You

I previously blogged about Jamie Beck's fantastic CoCo Rocha cinemgraphs on BUST.com, but I didn't really get to talk about her photography blog itself, From Me To You. The photos are stunning and you really get a glimpse inside the world as she see it. My absolute favorite part though are her gorgeous inspiration shoots. She doesn't do outfit posts too often, but when she does, they are extra special. Under the "Daily Outfits" link on the side of her blog is the collection of  inspired looks she's created. I like that they're not necessarily literal, but you can definitely see the inspiration. The above photo is Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face inspired. She's also done looks inspired by Katherine Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Jean Seberg, Jackie O, and Lauren Bacall. All timeless inspiration choices!

I've personally been inspired by her inspiration (lots of inspiration going around huh?)! I did an earlier post about creating a look inspired by her Lauren Bacall-inspired look. 

Candy and Shoes!

 I got some fancy sea salt chocolate at Whole Foods the other day. yum yum! The packaging was so pretty, I didn't even want to open it..at first. Remember those blue shoes I blogged about getting before? I was in love with them, but they were semi-elf like with the big buckle and while I think they'd look lovely with pants..I never wear pants. I saw this brand new saddle shoes at work from a brand I know and love, BASS, and knew they must be mine. They were my size of course so I talked to my boss and traded my blue shoes (which I hadn't even worn because it was rainy and they are suede) for these perfect saddle ones! I've worn them so many times already (outfits to come soon!). I just love them!

Bill Cunningham New York

I went to this documentary last Saturday. I don't go to the movies very often, but I knew as a lover of street style and a street style blogger myself, I had to see this before it left theaters. What I learned is that Bill Cunningham is a true original. I agreed and related to his entire philosophy about street style and reasons behind it. He's not known as a photographer necessarily, but as a documenter, which is exactly the reason I started my street style blog, to document. I've always just wanted to capture a certain look before it got away. All street style photos are usually taken straight on, but he liked to see the clothes in motion and from the side, which makes him not only the real first street style photographer, but still the most unique. He is a man so obsessed with clothes and photographing every interesting look he comes across, that nothing else in life really matters to him. His was definitely a compelling story to watch.

What I Wore To Work

Today at BUST I took my "floating head" picture for the intern "test kitchen" beauty reviews in the next issue so my head had to be extra fancy!
Blouse from Monk in Park Slope ($1 rack!)
Unseen plain black skirt: Gap
Bow: Topshop
Lipstick: Christian Dior