
Hello and Halloween

Hello Hello! I have a million half-posts in my queue, but we're moving into holiday mode. I had a splendid Halloween and I want to share the fun photos! 

Life update: While, I'm a fabulous writer/blogger extraordinaire, I'm also a fabulous Trader Joe's employee. Retail is not my end goal, but the community there is wonderful. I've learned more about working as a team than I have at any other job. Plus I've become a total TJs junkie. The food is ridiculously good. Anyhow, they're all about holidays, which I love. We got to dress up for Halloween and I chose Eleven from Stranger Things. Have you seen that show yet? It's great! It's like The Goonies meets ET with amazing music.  While I was working on Halloween, I spotted this mini me dressed in the same costume. How perfect is this photo?! 

The weekend before that, I headed to the Halloween Dog Parade, which as you can imagine, was a total dream. I dressed as Eleven in a dress from Pinup Girl Clothing and I DIYed an Eggo costume for Talullah. She was thrilled obviously. haha

I met many others in Stranger Things garb, including the couple above and Egar the Mighty, who was also dressed as Eleven. Such cuteness! 


Here are a few favorites. I was in doggie heaven!

I'll have to do a proper post for this Pinup Girl dress. It's super adorable and I will definitely be wearing it post-Halloween. This is my favorite season! 

Halloween weekend, I purchased my first corset. Not sure how practical it'll be, but I'm hoping it helps my posture and such. I paired it with my Sunnydale tee and a witchy chapeau. Hope you had a wonderful Halloween. Plz post costume pictures in the comments!!! (if I still have any readers lol).