
A Fairy Tale Moment With Pinup Girl Clothing

I've been sitting on these photos a while now. So much has happened these past few months. My boyfriend and I (amicably) parted ways, my grandfather passed away and my day-job was dissolved. I've taken it all in stride and I'm ready to move on to new and exciting things! I'm applying to companies I feel passionate about and getting ready to potentially start an online store. 

For today's post, I wanted to highlight the amazing skirt sent to me from Pinup Girl Clothing. I've worn this skirt multiple times and its quickly become a closet favorite. This top photo was snapped earlier in the day. The rest were an attempt at using a tripod since my loss of a "regular photog." Jason still snaps some occasional shots like my recent bikini shoot. I have a dynamite Pinup Girl dress that might need that photographer eye. 

Forgive the weird colors in these photos. The lighting was super inconsistent and I did my best with edits. Otherwise, I think they came out pretty cute and show that whimsical side of my style. A recent Tindr date (lol) told me that my look is very "Disney princess," which I took as a high compliment. 

There's more Pinup Girl to come including more ways to style this skirt!

What I Wore
Scarves: Vintage
 Shoes: Baitfootwear
Purse: c/o Sourpuss  
Petticoat: c/o Unique Vintage (on sale!!)