
What I Wore To The Opera

I'd never been to an opera before, but just the idea of dressing up and hearing people sing always appealed to me so I jumped at the chance to see Rufus Wainwright's brand new opera, Prima Donna. It was totally lovely, a charming experience to say the least. It was completely in French with subtitles above the stage and I felt like a "sophisticated lady." I wore a blue-green dress with my petticoat underneath to give a little poof to it. Pearls and an up-do were a must. I was actually super proud of myself for figuring out how to do a up do correctly with a twist in the back.  New hair experiences all around

A thank you to Jason for being my wonderful escort and inviting me to experience something new! 

What I Wore:
shoes: salvatore ferragamo
tights: hue
clutch: vintage