
Blogger Coach Event!

I heard about this event through three of my favorite bloggers (Keiko Lynn, Gala Darling, and The Glamourai!). I'd had somewhat of a frustrating day so I was excited to get out and about. Coach's new holiday campaign consists of 10 bloggers and the one in Soho had an event/sale for the unveiling. It was a pretty neat. Lots of (free) fancy drinks and h'orderves! It's always strange to meet your favorite bloggers in person, but everyone was just lovely and of course ridiculously stylish. I posted some street style pictures of the bloggers I listed above along with a couple others, but in this blog I'll be posting other random pictures from the night.

This is what I wore to work and the event. I had a striped shirt underneath, but I prefer my new sweater with the sequined pink skirt. I got this sweater at Brooklyn Flea and it's one of my new favorite fall things to wear. It's just warm enough, but not too heavy. What makes it special is the sort of knitted peter panish collar around the top. I got the purse from Monk in Park Slope (the cheaper of the stores so I got a good deal!)

The only other picture I got of myself that night was one with The Glamourai, who represented her blog by looking completely glamorous. 
Other blogger pictures soon to follow! 
(The drink I'm holding was this amazing fancy apple ginger ale vodka concoction). 
Oh yeah and another randomly cool part of the night was when I went to Starbucks to use the restroom, I noticed Agyness Deyn crossing the street! I was too late to take her street style picture, but it's one of the few celebrity sightings I've had since I moved here!